New Kriol video to keep dogs safe from Ehrlichiosis

Vets and dog lovers are really worried at the moment because a new tick disease called Ehrlichiosis has found its way to Australia and is spreading through remote communities. This ABC story from December 2020 says that 1,000 dogs in the NT may have already died and many more may die: Exotic tick-borne disease ehrlichiosis expected to kill thousands of dogs in NT (ABC, December 22, 2020)

Last year, an organisation called AMRRIC (Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities) made a new video to help people keep dogs safe from tick-borne diseases like Ehrlichiosis. They asked us to help translate the video into Kriol which is now available. It’s a great tool to help keep our dogs safe, happy and healthy. Please share!

Link to Kriol Ehrlichiosis video on AMRRIC website:

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