Celebrate World Animal Day with two new Kriol videos

Since 1925, World Animal Day has been helping raise awareness for animal rights and welfare every year on October 4. This year, two new educational videos in Kriol have been released on World Animal Day to promote two important causes affecting remote communities and the animals around us.

Ola Beibiwan Enimul garra Jidan la Bush (Baby Animals Belong in the Bush) talks about problems that happen when we find baby animals when we go out bush but then bring them back as pets. The animals can become difficult and expensive to manage at home and are much happier staying with their own family. This short video comes from a project by Roper Gulf Regional Council, supported by AMRRIC and Meigim Kriol Strongbala helped with Kriol script translation and audio production too.

Caring for Country – Managing Cats focuses specifically on the issue of cats and the problems they cause in community and on country. As an introduced predator, cats have changed local ecosystems for the worse. As pets, they also create many problems in homes when not managed properly. This video was produced by AMRRIC, or Animal Management in Rural and Remote Communities, initially as an English version in 2021. This year, we worked with AMRRIC to create a Kriol version:

Caring for Country – Managing Cats (Kriol) from AMRRIC on Vimeo.

It’s great to see resources like this created in Kriol, the main language spoken by thousands of remote residents in Northern Australia. We hope these videos spark conversations that will help protect country, community and the animals that share our world. A big thank you to Kaylene Doust at Roper Gulf Regional Council, Tida Nou at AMRRIC, our main translator, Carol Robertson and the Kriol speakers who voiced the characters: Anton Rami, Carol Robertson, Robin Rogers, Colin Hall, Shania Miller and Angelina Joshua.

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