New resources released: Kriol alphabet flashcards and wall frieze

Last year, Meigim Kriol Strongbala worked with Batchelor Press to create a brand new Kriol Elfabet (alphabet) poster, featuring all the sounds of Kriol: 21 single-letter sounds and 14 two-letter sounds. Brightly illustrated with example words, the poster has proven to be incredibly valuable to the Kriol programs we run in Ngukurr and can be found in a number of classrooms around the region.

Image showing a set of Kriol alphabet flashcardsWe are thrilled to hear that Batchelor Press have now taken this fantastic resource further with the launch of two additional resources: flashcards and a wall frieze. The Kriol Elfabet flashcards are a set of 35 glossy cards showing the same sounds, example words and illustrations found on the poster. They make for a great classroom resource either on their own or as an add-on to the poster as they can be used in creative ways for classroom games, activities and to help students target individual letters and sounds and develop their Kriol literacy skills.

Kriol Elfabet flashcards: 35 cards, laminated both sides for extra durability; dimensions: 12.57 x 17.58cm. Price: $50.00, available from

The Kriol Elfabet wall frieze also uses the content from the Kriol Elfabet poster to create a giant display of almost five metres. Glossy, laminated and durable, the frieze is another great way to present the Kriol alphabet to students so they can use it as a reference and resource. The image below shows an early years class in Ngukurr using the frieze to introduce them to the Kriol alphabet and begin developing an awareness of how Kriol is written.

Kriol Elfabet wall frieze: laminated both sides for extra durability and measures almost five metres in length and approx. 20 centimetres high. Packaged in a custom, stickered tube. Price: $50.00, available from

Children at Ngukurr School showing off the Kriol alphabet wall frieze

Both these resources are available now from Batchelor Press for $50 each. You can also buy the original Kriol Elfabet posters from the Batchelor Press website or our own online store.

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