Wanbala atis neim Chips Mackinolty bin gajim help brom Northern Land Council en AMSANT bla meigim sambala pousta gada Kriol, bla album ola Kriol spika trai kipum mijel seif brom Krounabairis. Thei bin askim mela bla album alabat trensleitim ola pousta la Kriol. Trai luk hau mela bin dum:
If yu wandim gajim dismob pousta bla printim yuself en hengimap, jendim mesij la mela en mela gin jendim kopi la yu:
Iya mela pudum wanmo det Kriol pat mela bin pudum la detmob pousta en wanim imin tok brom Ingglish bastam:
- Wi garra holot maindim mijal - Ingglishwan: We’re all in this together.
- Stap la yu komunidi, maindim yu femilimob - Ingglishwan: Stay on country, care for family
- Washim yu bingga garra bigmob soup en woda – Ingglishwan: Wash your hands with lots of soap and water
- Kofkofbat? Gabarrimap garra tishu en budum la bin! – Ingglishwan: Coughing? Cover with tissue and bin it!
- Nomo tatjim yu ai, nos en maus – Ingglishwan: Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth
- Nomo gibit mijal smok en dringkmob! – Ingglishwan: Don’t share smokes or drinks!
- Nomo sheik hen la enibodi o hagimbat mijal du! – Ingglishwan: No more handshakes or hugs!
- Jandap longwei gija. Thri steps longwei. – Ingglishwan: Keep safe, three steps clear.
- Stap longwei wen bigmob pipul majurrumap mijal – Ingglishwan: Stay away from big crowds
- If yu filim mijal yu siksikbat, kol la klinik! – Ingglishwan: If you feel sick, call the clinic!
- Stap la kemp - Ingglishwan: Stay at home
- Wen turismob gu la komunidi, im meigim rong bla ebribodi wen bigwan siknis ebriweya – Ingglishwan: Tourists travelling to remote areas endangers life during a pandemic.
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