Kriol Preya Buk

Services for Prayer and Worship in the Kriol language, as authorised by the Anglican Diocese of the Northern Territory, Australia.


Availability: 2 in stock

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The Kriol Preya Buk was published in 2021 and is the result of almost ten years of work by a team of more than 23 Kriol-speaking translators from different communities in the Top End. The book has been crafted to make it easy for congregations to participate, regardless of how strong their Kriol literacy is.

Published by the Anglican Diocese of the NT, the Kriol Preya Buk brings together a comprehensive suite of liturgy, prayers and responses for all Kriol-speaking Christians, with ordinary Sunday services, special occasions like baptisms, confirmation and funerals, a range of prayers for healing, and statements of Christian doctrine including the Nicene Creed and the 39 Articles.

In hardcover format and 214 pages, the Kriol Preya Buk is all in Kriol and contents include:

  1. Morning Prayer Service
  2. Communion Service
  3. Baptism Service
  4. Confirmation service
  5. Service for ministry with the sick
  6. Funeral Service
  7. Occasional Prayers
  8. Service of Ordination (Deacon and Priest)
  9. The 39 Articles of Religion (translated from English into Kriol)

You can read more about the Kriol Preya Buk and its 2021 launch here:

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 21.01 × 14.81 × 1.91 cm

Kriol (monolingual)






Anglican Diocese of the NT

Published Date

September 2021



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