Kriol Elfabet Frieze


Wi garrim eni kopi left? 4 kopi left

Dijan Kriol Elfabet wolfris uses the content from the Kriol Elfabet (alphabet) poster to create a giant display of almost five metres, perfect for classrooms and early childhood spaces. It includes all the sounds of Kriol: 21 single-letter sounds and 14 two-letter sounds and is brightly illustrated with example words for each sound. Glossy, laminated, durable and packaged in a custom, stickered tube, the frieze is another great way to present the Kriol alphabet to students so they can use it as a reference and resource.

For more info on the sounds and keywords used in the Kriol alphabet resources, go to:


Hau hebi im? 0.5 kg
Hau big im? 500 × 20 cm
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